IGD_SABTT Dialogue 5_Event Invitation_16Feb2018
The BRICS partnership has contributed several innovative developmental concepts for international cooperation over the last decade. As South Africa assumes the BRICS presidency in 2018, the theme of Inclusive Development through a Socially Responsive Economy has become a significant geostrategic vision to strengthen the BRICS partnership. Moreover, through its Presidency of the BRICS, South Africa will be able to enhance its Africa and Global South agendas through its contribution to the development and implementation of ideas that strategically place the African continent and the Global South on a sustainable and inclusive path towards development.
Based on the above, the Institute will host a one-day policy dialogue where critical debates revolving around the next cycle of the group’s global identity and how South Africa’s Presidency of the BRICS can advance the BRICS’ sustainable development agenda. The full-day dialogue will be organised into panel discussions, breakaway sessions, and plenaries, involving multiple stakeholders from government, such as International Relations and Cooperation (DIRCO),Higher Education and Training (DHET), South African BRICS Business Council (SABBC) and other business stakeholders, BRICS Think Tanks Council (SABTTC) and the larger academic community, as well as civil society and Parliamentary members from relevant portfolio committees based in the National Assembly and NCOP.
The agenda of the dialogue will focus around four key priorities that can strengthen SA’s Presidency of the BRICS agenda. These are 1) economic prosperity and inclusive growth; 2) prioritising our productive, creative, and scientific powers; 3) conflict resolution, peace and social justice; and 4) revisiting the global commons by strengthening responsible forms of strategic cooperation and sustainable development. These key priorities speak to fundamental developmental needs and multilateral consensus of the BRICS partners working within the contemporary geopolitical landscape. The dialogue will thus be an opportunity to launch this year’s discussions surrounding South Africa’s presidency of the BRICS partnership that explore broader geopolitical and geo-economic implications of inclusive development.
Date: 16 February 2018
Time: 8:30 for 9:00
Venue: Donald Gordon Auditorium, Wits Business School, 2 St David’s Place, Parktown, Johannesburg
RSVP: Remofiloe Lobakeng Tlobakr@unisa.ac.za