Post -Pandemic World Order: Challenges and Opportunities for BRICS

The 13th BRICS Academic Forum, held virtually, commenced with a panel examining the transformations in geopolitics and
geoeconomics and exploring what BRICS can do to shape the emerging world order. SABTT Chairperson Prof Siphamandla Zondi reflected on the challenges faced by nations within the BRICS and pointed out that there was a pressing need to reinforce and rebuild representative multilateralism. “We need to reinforce and deepen economic integration and finance sustainable development projects. The generational gap and the effect of unemployment is high and there is the persistent threat that developing countries will be left behind because of these factors. We also cannot dismiss the threat and impact of real-time public opinion on the BRICS. Working in silos has led many countries to think that they are saving the world while saving the problem within their national borders,” said Prof Zondi. “There is no agenda to save all, hence the pressing need for more inclusive decision making and exercising a more just judgment of power that boosts economic development and sustainable development that improves the lives of ordinary people. It is time to intensify the push for reforms, solidarity and cooperation as a principle,” he remarked. To address these challenges, he proposed interventions such as strengthening multilateralism, evolving a world order that sustains consumption and production, strengthening solidarity within the BRICS, encouraging more cultural exchanges among the BRICS think tanks, avoiding setbacks brought about by globalisation and fragmentation, enhancing cooperation on public health and improving technological learning and exploring new developments to match the new digital world.

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