2016 BTTC Recommnedations

September 23, 2016, New Delhi: The 8th BRICS Academic Forum compris-ing of experts and scholars from various research and academic institutions in Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa, met on September 19th, 20th, 21st, and 22nd, 2016, in Goa. The Forum expressed appreciation for the aca-demic activities under the Russian presidency and were encouraged that the BRICS Leaders had taken note of the work and the recommendations pro-posed by this group.

Since the formal establishment of the BRICS grouping, the member nations as a collective unit have covered significant ground on a range of issues – from global governance reform, tackling new security challenges, managing global commons, to implementing new development paradigms, taking for-ward South-South cooperation, and expanding the potential of intra-BRICS trade.

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